Marlboro Historical Society
PO Box 242 Marlboro, Vermont 05344
President: Forrest Holzapfel forrest810@gmail.com (802) 258-2568
Vice President:Donald Sherefkin sherefkin@gmail.com (802)254-9736
Treasurer: Jill Golden
House Chair: Augusta Bartlett
Trustees: Jean Boardman; Dan Dennis ; Marcia Hamilton ;
Staley McDermet ; Malcolm Moore ; Liz Vick
The Ephraim Holland Newton House, which was built in 1814 by the town’s second minister, contains collections of early furniture, textiles, china and glassware such as might have been used during Rev. Newton’s residency. The house itself, described by Newton’s first son, was a small one-and-a-half story frame dwelling where everything was “of the simplest and plainest style”. During the time he was minister Rev. Newton also served as Town Clerk, Town Treasurer and adviser to many students. His study is in the room at the left of the front door and undoubtedly served as the Town Clerk’s office in his time. This room also contains early post office boxes from the time when Newton House was the location of the Marlboro post office.
Upstairs there is one finished bedroom and one unfinished room which contains a collection of early household and farm tools.
The one-room Houghton Schoolhouse which was moved from Cowpath 40 to the grounds of Newton House, is set up to replicate a 19th century schoolhouse and is also open to the public during the months of July and August. Sometimes it is used for special exhibits.
The Society also has a very extensive collection of early photographs of the town and its residents, as well as newer ones that document the development of Marlboro. These include the “Turn of the Century” project done by Forrest Holzapfel. He has photographed almost all of the residents of Marlboro in 1999 in front of their homes, providing an invaluable window on our town for future generations.
Other documents available are early maps, geneological records, manuscript reports of the original proprietors, newspaper clippings, letters and other miscellanea relating to the town. The photographs and documents are available for use at the Newton House when it is open, or by calling one of the persons listed under Officers (see above) when it is not.
Calendars, $15.00 each
Postcards, $0.25 each
Plates, $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00
History of the Town of Marlborough, Windham County Vermont, by Ephraim Holland Newton. Montpelier: Vermont Historical Society, 1930. (Paperback photoreprint) $50.00
Reuben Winchester’s Autobiography, 1894, $10.00 Published by the Marlboro Historical Society, June 2002
Calendars can be obtained at the Town Office. Newton’s History can be purchased from Town Clerk Forrest Holzapfel, P.O. Box E, Marlboro, VT 05344 or by calling him at (802) 254-2181. This is the only history of Marlboro at present. It traces the development of the town up to the Civil War. Full of both facts and interesting stories of everyday life in 18th and 19th century Marlboro. Proceeds from the sale of the History support the maintenance of the Newton House. Other items can be purchased from any of the persons listed under Officers.